Dr. Valeria Lazarenko
Valeria Lazarenko is an associated research fellow at the SFB "Affective Societies" at Freie Universität Berlin and a Philipp Schwarz research fellow at Leibniz-Insititute for Research on Society and Space (IRS). She studied social psychology at the Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko Univeristy, and completed her PhD thesis (2020) at the Institute for Social and Political Psychology in Kyiv, Ukraine. In her research she examined the construction of spatial identities of internally displaced people in Ukraine. Former guest researcher at the Arctic University of Norway and the University of Bayreuth. In 2021-2022 she was associated with Kyiv-based independent think tank Cedos, where she leaded the project on the impact of full-scale war on the civil population in Ukraine.
Valeria’s current research interests include studies of affect and emotion associated with experiences of forced migration, integration, and transnational relations. Her latest research project, ‘Spatialized Decision-Making of Ukrainian Refugees in Germany’, explores how German migration policies for supporting Ukrainian refugees impact their decision-making, and how refugees’ experience of going through bureaucratic procedures contribute to the feeling of (non-)belonging and permanent temporality.
Research interests
- Forced migration and integration
- Transnational relations
- Anthropology of time
- Research ethics
- Mental mapping
Lazarenko, V., Bobrova, A., Khassai, Y., Filipchuk, L., Syrbu, E., Lomonosova, N., & Nazarenko, Y. (2022). The First Days of Full-Scale War in Ukraine: Thoughts, Feelings, Actions. Cedos think tank. https://cedos.org.ua/en/researches/the-first-days-of-full-scale-war-in-ukraine-thoughts-feelings-actions-analytical-note-containing-initial-research-results_/
Lazarenko, V., Bobrova, A., Khassai, Y., Filipchuk, L., Syrbu, E., Lomonosova, N., & Nazarenko, Y. (2022). Three Months of Full-Scale War in Ukraine: Thoughts, Feelings, Actions. Cedos think tank. https://cedos.org.ua/en/researches/three-months-of-full-scale-war-in-ukraine-thoughts-feelings-actions/
Lazarenko, V. (2021). Re-Naming and Re-Claiming Urban Spaces in Ukraine: The Perspective of Internally Displaced People. Nationalities Papers 1-20. doi:10.1017/nps.2021.26
Lazarenko, V. (2020). Mapping identities: Narratives of displacement in Ukraine. Emotion, Space and Society 35, 100674. DOI: 10.1016/j.emospa.2020.100674.
Lazarenko, V. (2019). Conflict in Ukraine: multiplicity of narratives about the war and displacement, European Politics and Society, 20:5, 550-566, DOI: 10.1080/23745118.2018.1552108.
Lazarenko, V. (2019). Mapping displacement: The potential of using psychogeographical methodology to explore the socio-psychological meanings of displacement. Problems of Political Psychology, 22 (1), 49-63. https://doi.org/10.33120/popp-Vol22-Year2019-28
Lazarenko, V. (2018). Cartographic visualization of place-of-residence narrative as a tool for studying spatial identities of the internally diplaced people: the core problem. Problems of Political Psychology, 21 (7), 96-112. https://doi.org/10.33120/popp-Vol21-Year2018-8 (in Ukrainian).