New Members in German-Israeli Research Network
News from Sep 14, 2020
German-Israeli Research Network:
Migration, Religion and Medicine at State Margins -
A German-Israeli Research Network
What kinds of rhetoric characterize German and Israeli public (health) discourses regarding religious minorities and migrants? How do these state-minority tensions result in targeted public (health) practices, policies and legislation? And, how do they shape the experiences and practices of individuals and collectives themselves? This interdisciplinary research network was established in 2020 to address these pressing issues. Funded by the DAAD Centre for German Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, we cross disciplinary boundaries between social sciences, humanities and law as well as international domains to examine the nexus of medicine, religion and migration today. Our collaborators are based at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Technion: Israel Institute of Technology, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Freie Universität Berlin, University of Bayreuth, and the Max Planck Institute. From our institute, the following persons are involved in the network:
Hansjörg Dilger, Dominik Mattes, Nasima Selim, Anita von Poser, Ursula Probst, Edda Willamowski. More information: