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"We Are Not Family! We Are Just Their Social Workers!" Belonging and Becoming in Professionalized Care Encounters of Vietnamese Berlin

Poser 2023 - We are not Family

Poser 2023 - We are not Family

Poser, Anita von – 2023

On a cold evening in February of 2016, I unexpectedly found myself sitting in the living room of Mrs. Thanh, a social worker whom, up to this point in time, I had known only superficially.1 We had met a few times before during formal encounters in a growing psychosocial care network whose members mainly belong to the realm of helping professionals and who jointly work at diversi- fying Berlin’s health care landscape with regard to Vietnamese lives and real- ities in the city (Ta et al. 2021). The network currently embraces around 100 members, and it is linked with a specialised clinic that offers psy-treatments and therapies in the Vietnamese language.2 Now, however, I was here in Mrs. Thanh’s private rooms. Ms. Phuong, a female interlocutor in her mid-sixties, whom I had met during research in the specialised clinic, had brought me here. I had accompanied her to a party, when she received a phone call by Mrs. Thanh who told her to meet quickly; to get the frozen blood sample she had brought with her from Vietnam.

"We Are Not Family! We Are Just Their Social Workers!" Belonging and Becoming in Professionalized Care Encounters of Vietnamese Berlin
Poser, Anita von
Koninklijke Brill nv
Appeared in
in Éva Rozália Hölzle & Johanna Pfaff-Czarnacka (eds): The Price of Belonging: Perspectives from Asia. (Social Sciences in Asia Series, Vol. 43)
Size or Duration
pp. 141-163