Charité für neuankommende asylsuchende vietnamesische Frauen. Women for Women.
Ta, Thi Minh Tam; Stumpfögger, Nina – 2022
2020 was a challenge for all of us. all of us. By early March, we had held three events and planned many planned many more. Unfortunately for us - like for many others - the Covid-19 pan- demy intervened. We had to fight hard in 2020 to find all the possible dates, we had to and thought about presence versus digital events. digital events and designed hygiene concepts. and designed hygiene concepts. Again and again we have always looked for new ways and ways and means to continue to reach women to reach the women with our offer. In 2020, we also saw personnel there have been changes. Since September we have had Beate Weingartner on board as a new coordinator on board. Also new to the team is Franziska Fuckert, who, together with the project together with Emily Erdmann. the project with commitment and and inventiveness. We would like to take this opportunity to say goodbye to our longtime employee Barbara Scheffer. Dear Barbara, your energy and sociability and sociability have made the last years possible made the last years possible and enriched our events incredibly.