Rezension: Arlie Russell Hochschild: Strangers in their own Land.
Bens, Jonas – 2017
Let's face it: most anthropologists in Europe and North America, including this author, are left-liberal, cosmopolitan people. It is regularly beyond the comprehension of my colleagues and me how people come to participate in political projects like the "Brexit", to campaign for "upper borders", to fight against "l'invasion migratoire", to demand "Nederlands weer van ons" or to claim to "make America great again". The idea of voting for Nigel Farage, Frauke Petry, Marine Le Pen, Geerd Wilders or Donald Trump is downright repulsive for us liberals. If we anthropologists are honest with each other, we might have to admit that it is probably much easier for us to understand the cultural subtleties of Trobriand, Nuer, or Yanomami research partners than it is for us to understand those of the political far-right in their own societies. And most anthropologists, myself included, probably have no great desire to empathize with them either.