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Rezension: Anasema Wadachi: Fragments of anti-colonial resistance in East Africa

ivanov 2020 - rezension anasema wadachi

ivanov 2020 - rezension anasema wadachi

Ivanov, Paola – 2020

The zine "Handle with Care: Post_Colonial Object Matters" is the product of cross-cutting conversations. Designed as an open invitation to think further about post_colonial object_matters, it conjoins contributions from participants of a workshop on “un_doing post_colonial knowledges: perspectives from academia_arts_activism” which was held at the University of Bayreuth/Germany in July 2019, that was organised by Manuela Bauche (FU Berlin), Katharina Schramm (Univ. of Bayreuth) and Nadine Siegert (iwalewabooks). Building on current discussions about the colonial legacies and the decolonial responsibilities of ethnographic museums, we wanted to explore the possible futures of objects marked by colonial relations of power and knowledge(s). We sought to shift the grounds of the debate from institutional concerns and legal aspects of restitution to more daring and wider-reaching questions. Our idea was to spark a debate around postcolonial justice that would decentralize the institutions of the European museum and university.

Rezension: Anasema Wadachi: Fragments of anti-colonial resistance in East Africa
Ivanov, Paola
Appeared in
2020 - iwalewabooks zine (1)