Television Analysis
TV text analysis method is used to capture particular stylistic means that are designed to affect viewers sensually and physically. We understand reality TV formats as public regulators of emotions: Appropriateness or embarrassment, expressive joy or public humiliation. The associated emotional repertoires are distributed publicly through these television formats and made available on the market. The TV text analysis addresses following research questions: Which emotional repertoires are visible and negotiated in the television text in conflictual situations and how is the audience sensually and physically affected? We are particularly interested here in how processes of inclusion or exclusion, the creation or refusal of belonging, are made visible by means of emotional conflict situations, and how the format generates an ‘us’ and 'them’ perspective through its affective structure.
The study analyses the eleventh season of the show Germany's Next Topmodel from 2016. Including the final show, it comprises 15 episodes and was broadcast from February 4, 2016 to May 12, 2016.
First results:
Töpper, C.; Lünenborg, M. (2018): Verkörperte Affekte: Zur Analyse affektiver Dynamiken von Zugehörigkeit und Exklusion im Reality TV. in: Grittmann, E.; Lobinger, K.; Neverla, I.; Pater, M. (Hg.): Körperbilder – Körperpraktiken. Visualisierung und Vergeschlechtlichung von Körpern in Medienkulturen. Köln: Herbert von Halem, 94-111