Panel at the GAA-conference 2015 in Marburg
The conference “Crises: Reconfigurations of Life, Power and Worlds” by the German Anthropological Association (GAA) took place in Marburg from the 30th of September to the 3rd of October 2015. Olaf Zenker and Jonas Bens of project B04 organized a panel entitled "Gerechtigkeits-Gefühle. Zur emotionalen Re-Formation nach Krisen und Konflikten“. The panel was composed of four presentations. The presentation "Gerechtigkeitsgefühle als Legitimationsfaktor des Internationalen Strafrechts?" was held by Jonas Bens, who asked the questions if and how Sentiments of Justice can be regarded as a factor legitimizing the International Criminal Court and which possible research approaches Social and Cultural Anthropology has to offer in this regard.