Panel at the European Conference on African Studies 2015 in Paris
The 6th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS) took place in Paris from the 8th to the 10th of July 2015 under the headline ”Collective Mobilisations in Africa: Contestation, Resistance, Revolt“. Olaf Zenker of project B04 together with Gerhard Anders of the University of Edinburgh organized a panel entitled „Representation, Participation and Punishment: Contesting Justice in Africa", where they presented their paper „Retributive vs. Distributive Justice: Popular Demands and Official Narratives in Sierra Leone and South Africa“. Jonas Bens also presented a paper. His presentation was called „Legitimate Justice in International Criminal Law in Africa – Towards an Emotional Approach?“, and dealt with the main question of project B04: Why do people perceive certain normative frames as legitimate or illegitimate and how does a closer look at at the concepts emotion and affect influence this analysis?