Panel at the European Conference on African Studies 2017 in Basel
The seventh European Conference on African Studies (ECAS) with the title “Urban Africa - Urban Africans: New encounters of the rural and the urban” took place in Basel from 29th of June to 1st of July 2017. Olaf Zenker and Jonas Bens organized a panel called "Sentiments of Justice in Africa: Contestations at the Intersection of Rural and Urban Imaginations“, which focused on Sentiments of Justice, the central object of research of project B04.
The panel was composed of five presentations, all of which dealt with (in)justice-related problems in Africa. The aim of the panel was to examine the affective and emotional components of Sentiments of Justice in different contexts and relate them to relevant rural and urban imaginations. The presentations themselves as well as the ensuing discussions were of great importance for the project B04, especially regarding the theoretical conceptualization of Sentiments of Justice.