Political and Legal Anthropology Network
WS 2016/17
25 October 2016
Marcos Freire de Andrade Neves The Rules of Care: Applying for a Green Light (Discussant: Giorgio Brocco) |
15 November 2016
Klaus Behnam Shad: Asyl – ein unbegrenztes Menschenrecht? (Discussant: Daniel Staemmler) |
WED 23 November 2016 Seminarzentrum (Rost-/Silberlaube) |
Thomas Scheffer (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main) Studying Law-In-Action: The Trans-Sequential Analysis of Procedural Work 18-20h: Lecture |
THU 24 November 2016 Room JK 33/121 |
Thomas Scheffer (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)
10-12h: Legal Anthropology Workshop I – Reading Seminar 14-16h: Legal Anthropology Workshop II – Data Analysis |
13 December 2016
Alessandro Tiberio: Bagnasciuga / On the Shore: Rethinking Precarity, Nativism and Crisis in the New Borderlands of "Fortress Europe" (Discussant: Ziga Podgornik-Jakil) |
10 January 2017
Giorgio Brocco: Family (Dis)position and Unfamiliar Ties: Relatedness and Albinism in Global Tanzania (Discussant: Jonathan Kempen) |
24 January 2017
Jonathan Kempen: Origin, Belonging, and Coexistence of South Africa's Ndebele Peoples (Discussant: Marcos Freire de Andrade Neves) |
WED 08 February 2017 Seminarzentrum (Rost-/Silberlaube) |
Adam Branch (University of Cambridge) The Trial of Dominic Ongwen: Rupturing Narratives of Responsibility 18-20h: Lecture |
THU 09 February 2017 Room JK 33/121 |
Adam Branch (University of Cambridge) 10-12h: Workshop – International Criminal Justice and Uganda |
SS 2016:
26 April 2016 |
Viktoria Kumala Sakti: (Im)mobile subjects: identity, conflict and emotion work among Meto diaspora families. (Discussant: Jonas Bens) |
10 May 2016 |
Marcos Andrade Neves: Building a right: assisted suicide and the European Court of Human Rights. (Discussant: Jonathan Kempen) |
17 May 2016 |
Giorgio Brocco: Moral Cartographies of Albinism in the Wake of Humanitarian Reason (Discussant: Marcos Andrade Neves) |
31 May 2016 |
Žiga Podgornik-Jakil: Migration management in Berlin: emergency centers and struggles against them. (Discussant: Giorgio Brocco) |
14 June 2016 |
Viktoria Kumala Sakti: Social repair: exploring ideas of (in)justice, boundary making, and feeling better. (Discussant: Giorgio Brocco) |
28 June 2016 |
Jonathan Kempen: Ndebele Communities and the South African State – Negotiating Culture, Structure and Strategies (Discussant: Marcos Andrade Neves) |
12 July 2016 |
Jonas Bens: Africa’s ICC Problem and the ICC’s Africa Problem: Sentiments of Justice. (Discussant: Klaus Behnam Shad) |
WS 2015/2016:
13 October 2015
Jonas Bens: „Gerechtigkeitsgefühle / Affective justice and transitional justice in the context of the International Criminal Court in The Hague and Uganda: the Ongwen case“ |
27 October 2015
Victoria Kumala Sakti: „Bonds and Boundaries: Violence, Memory and Socio-Emotional Repair in Timor-Leste“ (Discussant: Jonas Bens) |
10 November 2015
Gemeinsamer Besuch des Vortrags im Kontext des Thematischen Netzwerks Principles of Cultural Dynamics: Philippe Descola (Collège de France / École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales) 18:15: Freie Universität Berlin, "Rostlaube", Seminarzentrum, Raum L 115, Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin |
24 November 2015
Discussion of Holston, James (2009): Dangerous spaces of citizenship: gang talk, rights talk and rule of law in Brazil. In: Planning Theory 8(1): 12-31. (Chair: Jonas Bens) |
08 December 2015
Klaus Behnam Shad: „Iranian Jews in Tel Aviv and the politics of recognition" (Discussant: Lisa Melcher) |
05 January 2016
Sirin Knecht: „Domestic violence in East Jerusalem: establishing gender justice within conflicting legal orders“ (Discussant: Marcos Freire de Andrade Neves) |
19 January 2016
Jonathan Kempen: „South-South migration and refugees in South Africa" (Discussant: Žiga Podgornik-Jakil) |
02 February 2016
Žiga Podgornik-Jakil: "Citizenship as a tool of exclusion: self-organized refugee struggle in Berlin and its production of political spaces and subjectivities" (Discussant: Victoria Kumala Sakti) |
SS 2015:
26 May 2015 |
Discussion of Agamben, Giorgio (2004): Ausnahmezustand. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. Kapitel 1. |
09 June 2015 |
Discussion of Agamben, Giorgio (2004): Ausnahmezustand. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. Kapitel 2-4. |
23 June 2015 |
Discussion of Agamben, Giorgio (2004): Ausnahmezustand. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. Kapitel 5-6. |