Videography of Emotions and Affectivity in Social Situations
Knoblauch, Hubert; Wetzels, Michael; Haken, Meike – 2019
In this chapter, we exemplify in an exploratory manner how to apply videography (which links video analysis and ethnography) to the analysis of emotions and affectivity. After sketching (1) this method and delineating our understanding of emotions and affectivity, we then (2) turn to a paradigmatic audiovisual example of emotion, i.e. jubilation. Then we analyze the simultaneous aspects of this emotion, demonstrating its basic communicative and relational character. Its sequential analysis (3) shows how its affective dynamic is unfolding in its temporal sequential performance. Based on the ethnographic data, we draw on the institutional context. On the basis of the comparison between religion and sport, we indicate how and to what degree the emotion can be explained by its affective dramaturgy and affective arrangements of football as an agonal game and by affective frames. In the final part, we ask how we can attempt generalizations from the empirical cases as they have been analyzed here.