New publication: "Die komische Differenz. Zur Dialektik des Lächerlichen in Theater und Gesellschaft"
The new book by Hans Roth was published at Aisthesis Verlag.
News from Nov 09, 2022
Hans Roth’s study deals with the political implications of different comical forms and figurations in the field of theater and migration. It shows that discussions about the political potentials of post-migrant and racism-critical theater works often ignite around the evaluation of an ironic-critical play with ethnic stereotypes. Focusing on the dialectal relationships between subversive deployments of the comic, between identity political affirmations and between the exclusionary mechanisms of racist comedy, the book revisits a well-known topos of comedy and laughter theory: the notoriously uncertain distinction between an exclusionary and hostile laughing about and an inclusionary and friendly laughing with, or between ridicule and comedy.