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Ana Makhashvili presents “Hijacking Solidarity. Affective Networking of Far-Right Publics on Twitter”

Hijacking Solidarity

Hijacking Solidarity

On December 7, 2023, Ana Makhashvili from the CRC "Affective Societies" will give an online lecture on her recent publication "Hijacking Solidarity: Affective Networking of Far-Right Publics on Twitter" at the University of Coimbra, Portugal.

News from Dec 06, 2023

In the lecture, the author explains how the hashtag #WirhabenPlatz (“we have space”), which was created by Twitter users in Germany to express and mobilize solidarity for the refugees, who were met with police violence at the Greek-Turkish border in February 2020, was hijacked by the far right. Ana Makhashvili pays particular attention to the affective media practices used by far-right publics.

This publication appears in "Affective Formation of Publics. Places, Networks, and Media".

The lecture will be held on December 7, 2023 at 3 pm (2 pm GMT) via Zoom as part of the lecture series organized by the project "UNpacking POPulism (UNPOP): Comparing the formation of emotion narratives and their effects on political behaviour" at the University of Coimbra.

This activity does not require registration. Participation is however limited to the number of places available.

Access to the event:


ID: 875 8785 2915 

Password: 070883

For more information, please see the event flyer.

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