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Affective Excess: a CRC Workshop

"It is through feeling that we know, or rather sense, the brownness of the world and of each other". This observation on the affective nature of brownness was made by José Esteban Muñoz, a Cuban-American academic in the field of performance studies. A workshop organized by CRC Affective Societies Fellow Milagros Pellicer Planells will explore what it means to exist outside the dominant white affective code, to feel and sense the imposed other.

News from Jul 10, 2024

In this workshop, we will introduce the concept of "affective excess" and analyze its social and political implications by reflecting on its different dimensions, potentials and pitfalls, as well as its applications in different contexts.

Our primary reference for developing this concept will be José Esteban Muñoz's The Sense of Brown, in which the author speaks of the socio-political imposition of an "affective [white] code that positions itself as law," a code that functions as a means of controlling bodies. Any way of being in the world that falls outside of this "official affection" is considered excessive, so this concept is used as a way to racialize, discriminate, and marginalize people. We will explore the aesthetic implications of this excess in relation to the creation and circulation of visual clichés in urban spaces, the perception of "other" bodies, and biopolitics. The workshop aims to create a dynamic and interactive environment that encourages critical thinking and collective learning.

When: July 15, 2024, 09:30-13:30

Where: JK 24/122, Rost/Silberlaube at Freie Universität Berlin (Habelschwerdter Allee 45-47)

No registration required.

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  • Brownness, affective excess