Tyrones Palmer's (Columbia University, NYC) recent paper “Otherwise than Blackness” presents a radical critique towards affect studies and challenges the field to question its ontological assumptions. In this workshop, we will dedicate one day to the re-configuration of the vocabulary of affect in reaction to this critique. On the second day, we will investigate Blackness vis a vis (non-) relationality through different prepositional gestures.
Presentations will be given by Omar Kasmani, Tamar Blickstein, Jan Slaby, Fabian Bernhardt and a collective from our working group on affect and Blackness. Please register with Claas (c.oberstadt@fu-berlin.de) to receive the Webex-Link and paper for preparation.
June 17th and 18th, 3-7:30 pm (CET)
Time & Location
Jun 17, 2021 | 03:00 AM
This workshop is taking place online via WebEx