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Tiina Johanna Pitkäjärvi

tiina foto 23-24-25
Image Credit: Photo by Bernhard Ludewig

My fellowship at the CRC runs from September 2024 to March 2025. I was also a visiting fellow from December 2023 throughout February 2024. My research concerns semiotic approaches to affect, emotion and embodied meaning-making, and since 2023, I am a junior research fellow in semiotics at Tartu university, Estonia. I am also affiliated with Uppsala university, Sweden, where I defended my doctoral thesis in Scandinavian languages in 2022. As a guest researcher at Affective Societies I am supported by a one-year post-doctoral grant from the Ehrnrooth foundation, Finland.

My research interests include class and affect studies, semiotics, autoethnographic methods and writing-as-method. I have a background in discourse studies and also an BA in fine art.

Monography, 2022. Mer än bara vara rosa. Bröstcancertematiserande kampanjer i Sverige (2015–2016) som social praktik (More than just being pink. Breast cancer themed campaigns in Sweden (2015–2016) as a social practice) https://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1654132/FULLTEXT01.pdf

Book chapter, forthcoming. Affect as discursive practice and beyond in “Feeling, Skill and Knowledge. Semiotics of subject in environment, culture and the world”, SpringerNature series Numanities.