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Conference talk: “Saints and Children beyond Borders?”

“Saints and Children beyond Borders? Zapotec Ways of Dealing with Stuckness in Los Angeles”, talk given by Franziska Bedorf at the 15th European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Biennal Conference. “Staying- Moving- Settling” was the theme of the conference which was hosted at Stockholm University from 14 to 17 August, 2018. 

Conference talk: “Dance, Video and Social Media. Arenas of Female Empowerment”

“Dance, Video and Social Media. Arenas of Female Empowerment in the Transnational Setting of Mexico and the US”, talk given by Ingrid Kummels at the Binational workshop on “Global Mobilities, Gender, and Feminism” which took place in in Mexico City from 19 to 23 March, and was organized, among others, by the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco.

Conference talk: “The Affective Creation of Home”

“The Affective Creation of Home: Patron Saint Fiesta Videos in the Transnational Context of Mexico/USA”, talk given by Ingrid Kummels at the inauguration of the activities of the Merian Centre Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America (Mecila) in Mexico City. As part of the internationalen workshops on Conviviality and Migration which took place at El Colegio de México and was organized in collaboration with the Institute for Latin American Studies of Freie Universität Berlin on 16 March, 2018.

Conference talk: “‘Sacrifices’ – An Approach to the Transnational Community via its Media Spaces”

“‘Sacrifices’ – An Approach to the Transnational Community via its Media Spaces”, talk given by Ingrid Kummels at the PhD workshop on “Community” of the Swiss School of Latin American Studies (SSLAS) at the University of Berne on 16 December, 2017.

Conference talk: “Ethnic Influencers and their Use of Zapotec Video”

“Archivar aspiraciones: Influencers étnicos y su uso del video zapoteco en las redes sociales entre México y EE.UU” (“Archiving Aspirations: Ethnic Influencers and their Use of Zapotec Video in Social Media between Mexico and the US”) talk given by Ingrid Kummels at the international conference “Antropología y archivo en la era digital: Usos emergentes de lo audiovisual” (“Anthropology and the Archive in the Digital Era: Emergent Uses of the Audiovisual”). The conference organized by the Master of Visual Anthropology of Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú in collaboration with the Institute for Latin American Studies of Freie Universität Berlin took place in Lima from 15 to 17 November, 2017.

Comunidad – Home – Heimat. Film festival in Berlin’s Cinema Babylon Cinema

Subproject A05 “The Affective Creation of ‘Home’: Patron Saint Fiesta Videos in the Transnational Setting of Mexico/USA” organized the film festival “Comunidad - Home - Heimat: Images of Indigenous Life-Worlds and Affects” in Berlin's Cinema Babylon on October 27, 2017. Films dealing with the subject of mobile indigenous life-worlds were screened and discussed in the presence of the filmmakers.

Audiovisual Installation: “Never silent sights”

The audiovisual installation “Never silent sights” by Thomas John was exhibited at the conference “Zugehörigkeiten: Affektive, moralische und politische Praxen in einer vernetzten Welt” (“Belonging: Affective, Moral and Political Practices in an Interconnected World”). The installation was part of the bi-annual conference organized by the German Anthropological Association (GAA) at Freie Universität Berlin from 4 to 7 October, 2017.

Conference talk: “Affective Media Practices of Dance, Video, and Social Media”

“Affective Media Practices of Dance, Video, and Social Media: The Creation of ‘Home’ in the Transnational Setting Mexico/USA”, talk by Ingrid Kummels and Thomas John at the conference “Affects – Media – Power” at Freie Universität Berlin from June 29 to July 1, 2017.

Conference talk: “Independent Video in Chiapas”

“Vídeo independiente de los pueblos en Chiapas (Mexico): prácticas mediáticas como estrategias políticas” (“Independent Video of the Communities of Chiapas (Mexico): Media Practices as Political Strategies”) talk given by Thomas John at the 3rd Summer School of the International Research Training Group “Between Spaces” at the Institute for Lain American Studies of the Freie Universität Berlin from 27 to 30 June 2017.

LASA Panel: “Mediatic Citizenship”

The panel on "Ciudadanía mediática: Creaciones populares de comunidad y trans(nación) a través de los medios audiovisuales y sociales” (“Mediatic Citizenship: Popular Creations of Community and Trans(nation) via Audiovisual and Social Media”) was organized by Ingrid Kummels together with Gisela Cánepa (PUCP) at the XXXV Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) from April 29 to May 1, 2017 in Lima, Peru.

Conference talk: “Global Media and Regional Narratives”

“Medios global y narrativas regionales en Chiapas” (“Global Media and Regional Narratives in Chiapas”), paper presented by Thomas John at Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, Unidad Regional Sureste, in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico on March 22, 2017.

Book presentation: “The Affective Production of 'Home'”

Following its publication the book “La producción afectiva de comunidad: los medios audiovisuales en el contexto transnacional México-EE.UU.” (“The Affective Production of ‘Home’: Audiovisual Media in the Transnational Setting Mexico/USA”) was presented for the first time by Prof. Dr. Ingrid Kummels at the Labor Center Book Talk of the University of California Los Angeles on February 24, 2017.

Conference talk: “The Affective Production of 'Home': Patron Saint Fiesta Videos in the Transnational Setting of Mexico/USA”

“The Affective Production of 'Home': Patron Saint Fiesta Videos in the Transnational Setting of Mexico/USA”, talk given by Prof. Dr. Ingrid Kummels and Thomas John during the workshop “Analyse von Videomaterial im Kontext der Affekt- und Emotionsforschung” (“Analysis of Video Material in the Context of Research on Affects and Emotion) at the Institute of Sociology of the Technische Universität Berlin on February 3, 2017.

International Workshop “The Affective Creation of Community: Home-Making Practices between Mexico, Peru and the USA”

Subproject A05 “The Affective Production of 'Home': Patron Saint Fiesta Videos in the Transnational Context Mexico / USA” organized the International Workshop “The Affective Creation of Community: Home-Making Practices between Mexico, Peru and the USA” at the Institute for Latin American Studies on November 11, 2016. Invited scholars were Ulla Berg (Rutgers University), Gisela Cánepa (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú), Adriana Cruz-Manjarrez (Universidad de Colima), Julia Pauli (Universität Hamburg) and Freya Schiwy (University of Riverside California).

Conference talk: “The Indigenous Media Movement in Chiapas”

“The Indigenous Media Movement in Chiapas: Production and Negotiation of Affective Belonging”, paper presented by Thomas John at the International Conference “Entre Espacios: Movimientos, actores y representaciones de la globalización” (“Between Spaces: Movements, Actors and Representations of Globalization”) at El Colegio de México from April 11 to 14, 2016.