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"Colonialism and Capitalism" Seminar

Institut für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie

Institut für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie

During the winter semester 22/23, and inserted in the Bachelor's program of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the Freie Universität Berlin, Jonas Bens conducted a seminar titled "Colonialism and Capitalism".

In this course, the fundamentally entangled relationship between colonialism and capitalism ought to be explored through an anthropological lens. In order to understand the workings of colonialism and capitalism in the longue durée, the constitutive relationship of slavery and capitalism is a point of discussion, as well as an understanding of the ongoing raced, classed and gendered logics of the plantation for global economies, engaging thus with "world systems theory" and "dependency theory" in fresh ways, and discussing specific analytical frames such as "racial capitalism", "the colonial mode of production", "racial regimes of property", and "gendered extractivism".