Ethnosymposium 2022
Taking place in Berlin between September 16 and 18, 2022, the Ethnosyposium 2022, an annual conference of anthropology/ethnology students, sought to create an open and creative space where research is presented, discussions and debates are held, and experimental workshops are organized. In addition to the topic of the conference, "Truth(s). Lifeworlds. Realities. Seeing like an Anthropologist", it helped to connect students of different departments and research topics in and beyond German-speaking countries.
On September 17, 2019, Maren Wirth gave a presentation titled "The Temporality of Colonial Violence in Maasai Objects and Photographs". Her contribution used examples from the African collection of the Ethnologisches Museum Berlin to address colonialism and the realities, power structures, and systems of domination, that it continues to produce today. Going beyond questions of provenance and restitution she discussed the contemporary confrontation with collections from colonial contexts not merely as an ethical necessity but also as having the potential to radically question our thinking.