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On the Temporality/-ies of Immersion and Bounties of Experience in Immersive Acts

Schütz 2022b - Über Zeitlichkeiten der Immersion und Erfahrungsschätze immersiver Künste

Schütz 2022b - Über Zeitlichkeiten der Immersion und Erfahrungsschätze immersiver Künste

Schütz, Theresa – 2022

The predominance of white cube, still the prevalent display model in contemporary art, can be traced back to the Enlightenment ideas that isolated things and removed them from their context. The series of exhibitions presented in this book are conceived of as ‘living exhibitions’ that break with this convention, suggesting that the strict separation between exhibit and viewer

On the Temporality/-ies of Immersion and Bounties of Experience in Immersive Acts
Schütz, Theresa
Appeared in
Oberender, T.; Rabe, P. (eds.) 2022 - The living Exhibition