M.A. (promoviert) Friederike Oberkrome

Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Theaterwissenschaft
CRC 1171 "Affective Societies" - C05
Doctoral Researcher
Room JK 33/213
14195 Berlin
Dissertation project on documentary aesthetics in postmigrant theatre. (Working title: "Theatre of reporting. On the mediality and politics of migratory messengers")
2013-2014Student assistant in the Research Project A7 „The Immanent Dissolution of Limits in Contemporary Art Practices and in the Experience of Art“ of the CRC 626 (Prof. Dr. Klaus Krüger)
2013-2015M.A. in Theater Studies at the Free University of Berlin – Master Thesis: „Situation(ist)s here and now – The occurence of (constructed) situations in contemporary participatory art and theater“
2012-2013Tutor at the Institute of Film, Drama, and Empirical Cultural Studies at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
2010-2013B.A. in Theater Studies and Art History at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz – Bachelor Thesis: „Enacted spaces – An analysis of the theatricality of Minimal Art using the example of Fred Sandback“
2008-2010Assistant dramaturg and assistant director in several productions at the Landestheater Detmold (NRW)
The dissertation project examines the aesthetic paradoxes of documentary forms of reporting in the field of theatre and migration. On the one hand, autobiographical narratives contradict hegemonic narratives of the German migration society; on the other hand, under the catchphrase of the documentary, they also participate in discourses and practices that tend to perpetuate controversial identifications of the 'other' - an aesthetic tension that is often negotiated under keywords such as 'authenticity' and 'representation'.
Starting from this blurred contour of documentary counter-narrations, the dissertation project takes three different modes of reporting into account: research, exploration, and arrangement. It examines how performative city walks, scenic installations, and autofictional forms of representation each jeopardize constructs of the 'other' and open, negotiate, or even close different time-spaces of migration.
The project pursues the thesis of a comeback of the messenger report. This is based on the observation that certain structural elements of the dramatic messenger report, such as an externally determined report from the margins as well as the interweaving of different time-spaces, become the affect-dramaturgical principle of entire performances here. Following on from Sybille Krämer's media theory of the messenger and relational concepts of identity (S. Ahmed, S. Hall), the work aims not least to critically redefine the political and ethical dimensions of the messenger report in theatre.
Research topics and interests- Intersections of Theater Studies and Art Studies
- Performance Art and Aktionskunst since the 1950s
- Theater, Scenography and Spatiality
- Negotiations of history and memory in theatre
- Documentary aesthetics in theatre and the arts
„Paradoxe Techniken der Verortung. Zur Aktualität des Botenmodells im Kontext von Theater und Migration“, lecture at the 14th congress of the German Society for Theatre Studies (GTW), topic: "Theater und Technik. Das Theater unter dem Vorzeichen seiner technologischen Bedingung", November 2018, Düsseldorf.
“Migratory messengers – The mediality of documentary post-migrant theatre”, lecture at the new scholars panel of the World Congress of the International Federation for Theatre Research, topic: "Theatre and Migration. Theatre, Nation and Identity: Between Migration and Stasis", 10 July 2018, Belgrade.
"Introduction" (with Verena Straub), opening of the international conference P/Re/Enact! Performing in Between Times, 27 October 2017, Berlin.
„Affektiv/Engagiert. Tendenzen dokumentarischer Theaterformen“ , lecture at the conference "Engagement im Zeichen von Flucht und Migration. Aktuelle Tendenzen in Literatur und Theater", organized by the CRC's projects A03, C04 and C05, 20 January 2017, Berlin.
Public talk with art historian Burcu Dogramaci as part of the exhibition Uncertain States – Künstlerisches Handeln in Ausnahmezuständen at the Academy of Fine Arts (AdK), Berlin, title: „Neue Heimat? Künstlerische Verortungen im Zeichen von Migration und Mobilität“ (with Marion Acker), 13 January 2017, Berlin.
“German ‘Sprechtheater’ and the Transformation of Theatrical Public Spheres” (with Hans Roth und Matthias Warstat), lecture at the international annual conference "Public Spheres of Resonance: Constellations of Affect and Language", organized by the CRC Affective Societies, 28 April 2017, Berlin.
„Affektökonomien im Vergleich. Theater und Migration in Berlin und London“ (with Hans Roth), lecture at the international annual conference „Profitable Aesthetics. Performative Strategien der Teilhabe“, organized by the ERC-project The aesthetics of Applied Theatre; 21 October 2016, Berlin.
„Narrating with(out) bodies“, lecture at the New Scholar's Panel of the international conference Performing Tangier: The Narrative Turn in Contemporary Theatre, organized by the International Centre for Performance Studies (ICPS); 18 September 2016, Tangier.
Publications„(Re-)Framing the Documentary. Exploring Asylum Policies on Stage”, in: Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance 23 (2), S. 259-273.
“Affektökonomien im Vergleich: Ein (neuer) Blick auf Theater und Migration in Berlin und London“ (with Hans Roth), in: Matthias Warstat et. al. (Eds.): Profitable Aesthetics. Performative Strategien der Teilhabe, Berlin: Theater der Zeit. (Forthcoming)
“German ‘Sprechtheater’ and the Transformation of Theatrical Public Spheres” (with Hans Roth and Matthias Warstat), in: Anne Fleig, Christian von Scheve (Eds.): Public Spheres of Resonance: Constellations of Affect and Language, London: Routledge. (Forthcoming)
Editor of Performance zwischen den Zeiten. Reenactments und Preenactments in Kunst und Wissenschaft (with Adam Czirak, Sophie Nikoleit, Verena Straub, Robert Walter-Jochum and Michael Wetzels), Bielefeld: transcript. (February 2019)
Blog articles
„Das Theater als affektpolitische Anstalt? Zum Spiel mit migrantischen Identitätszuschreibungen in Verrücktes Blut", in Affective Societies Blog, 24.07.2018, http://affective-societies.de/2018/sfb-1171/das-theater-als-affektpolitische-anstalt-zum-spiel-mit-migrantischen-identitaetszuschreibungen-in-verruecktes-blut/.
„Sprach-Spiel-Räume. Das Theater von Nassim Soleimanpour“, in: Affective Societies Blog, 01.12.2017, http://affective-societies.de/2017/sfb-1171/sprach-spiel-raeume-das-theater-von-nassim-soleimanpour/.
„Auch wenn wir migrieren, bleibt immer etwas konstant. Vom Leben der Dinge zwischen Bruch und Kontinuität – Die Kunsthistorikerin Burcu Dogramaci im Gespräch“ (with Marion Acker), in: Affective Societies Blog, 14.03. 2017, http://affective-societies.de/2017/interviews-portraits/auch-wenn-wir-migrieren-bleibt-immer-etwas-konstant-vom-leben-der-dinge-zwischen-bruch-und-kontinuitaet/.
„Vom Erzählen im Theater. Ein Bericht über die Konferenz Peforming Tangier: The Narrative Turn in Contemporary Theatre“, in: Affective Societies Blog, 17.10.2016, http://affective-societies.de/2016/aus-der-forschung/vom-erzaehlen-im-theater-ein-bericht-ueber-die-konferenz-performing-tangier-the-narrative-turn-in-contemporary-theatre/.