Affective Engagements: Activist Mobilizations in Decolonial Debates on Cultural Goods and Social Transformation between Tanzania and Germany
- Kristina Mashimi research associate
- Maren Wirth research associate
- Dominik Mattes research associate
- Idil Deniz Şakar student assistant
Subproject D01 investigates the affective (political, artistic, etc.) work of activist actors in urban centers in Tanzania and Germany in relation to the mobilization of debates about the coloniality of cultural goods and societal decolonization more generally. It asks how modalities of feeling in these mobilizations become the very subject of negotiation between activist individuals and groups, as well as between them and with other actors and institutions in their wider societies. To answer these questions, the subproject combines ethnographic fieldwork in Tanzania and Germany with social and cultural anthropological concepts for investigating the affective dynamics of activist work and the approaches of engaged anthropology in contexts of decolonization.