Dr. Gesa Jessen
Freie Universität Berlin
Researcher, Deputy Board Member
Project D07
Room JK 30/206
14195 Berlin
Since 2021 Researcher at CRC 1171, Project C04 »Contestations of the principle of multicultural diversity in Germany´s literary and political public spheres«
10/2017-01/2021 DPhil at the University of Oxford (Wolfson College)
2014–2017 Master in Comparative Literature at Freie Universität Berlin (Peter Szondi-Institut)
2010-2014 Bachelor in Comparative Literature with minor subject Art History at Freie Universität Berlin (Peter Szondi-Institut)
Completed projects
Nature after Romanticism – Literary Explorations of the Natural World in the Works of Heine, Lenau, Droste-Hülshoff
Research Areas
Nature and literature
Romanticism and reception of Romanticism
Literary theory
Politics and literature
(with Philip Boos) "Wir sind hier, wir sind laut" – Artikulationen von Emotionen der Nähe auf Fahrraddemonstrationen, in Geographica Helvetica 78.1 (2023), Special Issue Emotionale Gesellschaft-Natur-Verhältnisse: Die Bedeutung von Gefühlen und ihren Ausdrucksformen für umwelt- und naturpolitische Auseinandersetzungen, S. 1–13.
(with Matthias Kählert and Tim Lörke) Right Reading – Affective Institutionalisations and the Politics of Literature in the German New Right, in: Affect, Power, and Institutions, hrsg. v. Millicent Churcher, Sandra Calkins, Jandra Böttger, Jan Slaby. London: Routledge 2023.
Kleinstadt Utopie. Adorno liest Mörike, in Bildbruch 4 (2022).
„und daß ich selbst wieder zerrinnen möchte in süße Atome“ – Zur Dynamik von Wasser, Wirtschaft und Geschlecht in ‚Die Harzreise‘, Heine-Jahrbuch 2019.
Small Town Glory. Adorno reads Mörike, lecture in the context of the Idyll and Utopia Graduate Conference, Princeton University, October 2021.
My Garden, an overgrown Swamp – Botanical Imagery and Environmental Thought in Annette von Droste-Hülshoff’s Poetry, lecture in the context of the SciencePoetry Research Seminars, TORCH – TheOxford Research Centre in the Humanities, University of Oxford, June 2019.
Wär ich ein Mann doch mindestens nur – Annette von Droste-Hülshoff’s reluctant feminism, lecture in the context of the Symposium Länder der Dichterinnen & Denkerinnen. Celebrating German-speaking feminist thinkers and writers, University of Oxford, March 2019.
und daß ich selbst wieder zerrinnen möchte in süße Atome – Dynamiken von Wasser, Selbst und Gender beim frühen Heine, lecture at the 21. Internationalen Forum Junge Heine Forschung, Heinrich-Heine-Institut, Heinrich-Heine-Gesellschaft e.V., Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, December 2018.
Praised and Condemned: German Rhetorics of Homosexuality between 1820 and 1980, lecture in the context of the Berlin-Oxford Workshops: Language, Literature and Culture, University of Oxford, June 2018.
Germans up on the Mountain and down by the Sea. Heinrich Heine’s Travel Pictures and the Emergence of Nature Tourism, lecture in the context of the Nineteenth Century Research Seminars, University of Edinburgh, January 2018.