Podcast: Episode 6 Masks as Care - Corona in Vietnam
Image Credit: Thi Minh Tam Ta und Eric Hahn
Bildquelle: Rory Midhani (Collage), Maximilian Apel (Fotos)
The 6th episode of the podcast "More than a Feeling - Emotions and Society" focuses on the Corona policy in Vietnam and its impact on the Vietnamese diaspora in Berlin.
News from Jun 29, 2021
The two psychiatrists Thi Minh Tam Ta and Eric Hahn (TP A02) from the Charité in Berlin are the guests of this episode. Unlike Germany, Vietnam has experience in dealing with viral pandemics since 2002, when the first SARS and MERS outbreaks occurred. Wearing masks to protect others is as much a part of everyday life there as solidarity with areas briefly isolated due to new cases of infection - even if that means drinking guava juice instead of orange juice!