Fabian Bernhardt on the philosophy of revenge in Deutschlandfunk Kultur
Uma Thurman als Racheengel in „Kill Bill“
Image Credit: (c) picture-alliance / Mary Evans Picture Library
Revenge has no place in the modern self-image, but feelings of revenge are by no means foreign to us - according to Fabian Bernhardt (SP B05) in conversation with Stephanie Rohde for the program "Sein und Streit" on Deutschlandfunk Kultur.
News from Jul 19, 2021
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth: when we talk about revenge, we often think of bloody excesses in ancient times, other countries or so-called parallel societies. In reality, says philosopher Fabian Bernhardt, revenge is more familiar to us than we would have us believe: "The affects and feelings that urge for revenge have not become foreign to us - but they are no longer recognized as motivations for action in our society. And when one acts out of revenge, even in everyday forms that may be less dramatic, one usually won't admit it."
Fabian Bernhardt's book "Rache. Über einen blinden Fleck der Moderne" was recently published by Matthes& Seitz Berlin.