Press release: Video series "Open Door" with Verband für Interkulturelle Arbeit (VIA)
The project "Open Door" wants to raise awareness for the topic of psychosocial stress among people with immigrant histories with a video series focusing on the Viet-German community. The video series is intended to provide access to a variety of coping strategies and offers of help and is a cooperation of the Verband für Interkulturelle Arbeit (VIA) Berlin-Brandenburg and the Collaborative Research Center Affective Societies.
News from Nov 08, 2021
It often starts with the question: What should I do now? What is often difficult in a situation of mental stress, it is on the one hand the realization that she/he needs professional help and on the other hand the first step to find adequate offers. For people with immigrant histories, including Vietnamese migrants, the question is not easy to answer. In their own environment, there is not always an understanding of mental illness and without sufficient knowledge of German, many services remain unavailable. The fact that many people and institutions in Berlin already offer Vietnamese-language psychosocial care is often not known.
Precisely for this reason, we would like to talk preventively about forms of care in Viet-German living environments and raise awareness of psychosocial burdens as well as diverse strategies for dealing with them. The video series "Open Door" - a cooperation of the Association for Intercultural Work (VIA) Berlin-Brandenburg and the Collaborative Research Center Affective Societies - is an invitation to explore together the psychosocial care and welfare landscape of Berlin. Doors will be opened to people and places in the mental health network of Vietnamese migrants, where different forms of support, care, welfare and cohesion are provided and lived. Our ten-part series is aimed at people with Vietnamese migrant connections, those interested, those affected, family members and professional audiences.
The bilingual short videos will be released every two weeks starting November 16. With ten perspectives, they provide an insight into how diverse and dynamic psychosocial health care in Berlin can be understood.
The following doors will be opened:
- Spezialambulanz für Vietnamesische Migranten, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, CBF
- abw Dialog – Beratung für Migrant:innen
- Katholische Vietnamesische Mission
- Interkultureller Hospizdienst Dong Ban Ja
- Evangelisches Krankenhaus Königin Elisabeth Herzberge
- Pinel gGmbH
- Danke Deutschland e.V.
- FLAT Family – Begegnungs- und Beratungszentrum (abw gGmbH)
- S.U.S.I. – Interkulturelles Frauenzentrum
- Ostkreuz City gGmbH
Film and Sound: Thanh Nguyen Phuong Music: ANOTHER NGUYEN
Edda Willamowski
Freie Universität Berlin
CRC 1171 Affective Societies
SP A02
Tel. 030 838 51990
Nozomi Spennemann
VIA Regional Berlin/Brandenburg e.V.
Projekt „Wir reden drüber! Psychische Erkrankungen im vietnamesischen Berlin“
Tel. 0173 217 5058