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Conference: Profitable Aesthetics. Performative Strategies of Involvement

Oct 21, 2016 - Oct 22, 2016

The C05 project holds a conference in cooperation with the ERC-project „The Aesthetics of Applied Theatre“

Aesthetics are increasingly linked to the promise of an effect and the demand of a measurable impact. The performing arts have to position themselves in the economic sphere. This is not only about financial resources and countable profits; monetary value is moreover inseparably connected to immaterial goods like affect, care or responsibility. The engagement invested in aesthetic / artistic labour can be thus conceived as creative, innovative or perhaps even as considerably profit-seeking and in this sense as an ‘enrichment’. The value attached to aesthetic objects assumes many forms: How can aesthetic labour which seeks to create a surplus, be compensated? What does this labour produce, who profits from it and at the expense of whom? Are critical ambitions of the contemporary arts compatible with the dominant material structures – and if yes, in what manner? The third annual conference of the ERC-Project ‘The Aesthetics of Applied Theatre’ aims to explore the eco-nomic aspects of the arts, that cannot be reduced to strategies of commercialization, nor to the monetary reward of artistic work. In general, it is about the ambivalence of ‘give-and-take’ in the realm of the aesthetics.

Please follow this link for the detailed program.

Time & Location

Oct 21, 2016 - Oct 22, 2016

Akademie der Künste in Berlin
Hanseatenweg 10
10557 Berlin