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Artist Talk: "The Pixelated Revolution" with Rabih Mroué

Rabih Mroué, Blow Up 4, 2012

Rabih Mroué, Blow Up 4, 2012
Image Credit: The artist & Sfeir-Semler Gallery, Beirut & Hamburg

On 06 March the artist Rabih Mroué was a guest at at KAI10 I Arthena Foundation in Düsseldorf in the context of our exhibition Affect Me. Social Media Images in Art. Under the title "The Pixelated Revolution" Rabih Mroué had a conversation with art historian Verena Straub (FU Berlin) about the use and power of images in the digital age.

Time & Place

March 6, 2018 I 7pm

Kaistraße 10
40221 Düsseldorf