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Lecture: "Affecting media images: Examples from the context of student protests in South Africa".

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Marietta Kesting at the Colloquium on African Art, 27.11.2018.

Stream "Affective Witnessing" at the Capacious Conference 2018, Lancaster, USA

Kerstin Schankweiler together with Michael Richardson (UNSW, Sydney) organized three panels on "Affective Witnessing" at the conference "Capacious - Affect Inquiry/Making Space", August 8-11, 2018, Millersville University, Lancaster, USA.

Lecture Performance: #I Am, #We Are All, #Me Too. Gesten des Protests im Social Web

The Swiss artist Irene Chabr gives a lecture performance at the Institute of Art History, Arts of Africa. (19.06.2018)

Lecture: "'Reaching Out to the Rest of the World' - Affective Media Witnessing in Egypt 2011" by Kerstin Schankweiler

On the 5th of May 2018 Kerstin Schankweiler presented a paper at the third international conference of the Collaborative Research Center "Affective Societies". The conference took place at the Freie Universität Berlin under the title "Public Emotions: Affective Collectivity in Audiences".

Artist Talk: "The Pixelated Revolution" with Rabih Mroué

As part of the program accompanying the exhibition "Affect Me. Social Media Images in Art", artist Rabih Mroué is a guest at KAI10 I Arthena Foundation. Moderation: Verena Straub. Date: 06.03.2018.

Panel discussion: "Affect Me. Social Media Images in Art"

Panel discussion with Lara Baladi, Sarah Nankivell and Philip Scheffner at Akademie der Künste, Berlin 02.03.2018..

Lecture: "Martyr Video 2.0. Digital Montages and Computer Simulations of the 'Islamic State'" by Verena Straub

Lecture by Verena Straub at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 15./16.12.2017.

Lecture at the Catholic Private University Linz, Dies Academicus 2017 "Social Media?"

On 16 November 2017 Kerstin Schankweiler gave a lecture at the Dies Academicus 2017 "Social Media? Transformations of the Public Sphere and Politics through Social Media", Catholic Private University Linz. The lecture was entitled "Sousveillance - Image Testimonies of Police Violence in Social Media and Art".

Exhibition "Affect Me. Social Media Images in Art"

In cooperation with KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation the TP B01 curated an exhibition called "Affect Me - Social Media Images in Art". Opening: November 10, 2017

Symposium: "Image Testimonies - Witnessing in Times of Social Media"

International Symposium hosted by the Collaborative Research Center “Affective Societies”, Project B01 “Affective Dynamics of Images in the Era of Social Media”, Free University Berlin. (13.07. - 15.07.2017).

Artist Talk: "Media Brothers – Holy War with GoPro Cameras" with Simon Menner

The artist Simon Menner will be our guest at Tobias Wendl’s Colloquium at the Institute of Art History, Arts of Africa, 11.07.2017.

Artist Talk: "At the Square" with Mohamed Abla

The renowned artist Mohamed Abla from Cairo is our guest at Tobias Wendl’s Colloquium at the Institute of Art History, Arts of Africa, 02.05.2017.

Lecture: "Affektive Dynamiken von Bildern: Ikonisierungsprozesse und Ikonoklasmen im Kontext historischer und rezenter Erneuerungsbewegungen in Afrikas"

Lecture by Tobias Wendl at the University of Vienna, 14.12.2016.

Discussion: "Zones of Conflict and Pain - Online Media Witnessing and its Affective Dynamics"

Discussion between artist Reza Aramesh and art historian Kerstin Schankweiler at Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 28.10.2016.

Lecture: "Reflecting on 'Regarding Spectatorship'” by Marianna Liosi

Independent curator Marianna Liosi's lecture on "Regarding Spectatorship", 25.10.2016.

Film & Talk: "Crop" by Johanna Domke

CROP is an absorbing account of the Egyptian revolution of 2011 – one that includes no images of the popular uprising itself. Filmed entirely within the offices of Al-Ahram, the country’s largest state-run newspaper, the film is a series of carefully composed shots that expose the institution’s functioning and the former regime’s strict control over information. We are listening to the story of an older photojournalist, that missed out on the revolution due to a hospital stay. (05.07.2016).

Lecture: "Worshipping Ancestors" by Dr. Gertrud Hüwelmeier

Lecture by Dr. Gertrud Hüwelmeier (HU Berlin), anthropologist and Senior Research Fellow at the Humboldt-University Berlin and Senior Research Partner at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, department of socio-cultural diversity. (21.06.2016).

Lecture: "Eye-Snipers. Ikonoklastische Bilderpraktiken in Zeiten politischen Wandels" by Mikala Hyldig Dal

Lecture by Mikala Hyldig Dal under the title "Eye-Snipers. Ikonoklastische Bilderpraktiken in Zeiten politischen Wandels". The Lecture is part of the Research Colloquium for African Art of Prof. Tobias Wendl, 31.05.2016.  

Lecture: "Image politics and affect in social media" by Kerstin Schankweiler

Lecture by Kerstin Schankweiler at the symposium "Images as Agents" the Muthesius Kunsthochschule in Kiel, Germany, January 28-30, 2016.

Lecture: "Affective dynamics of images in times of social media. Image testimonies from Egypt, 2010-2013" by Kerstin Schankweiler

Lecture by Kerstin Schankweiler at the workshop "On the Aesthetics of Resistance" at the Kunsthistorisches Institut - Max Plank Institute in Florence (December 11-12, 2015)

Lecture: „The Making/Gendering of a Martyr. Videotestamente und Fotografien von Selbstmordattentäterinnen im Nahen Osten"

Lecture by Verena Straub at "Kolloquium der Kunst Afrikas", 10.11.2015.

Workshop: "Ästhetik des Terrors. Propaganda, Affektivität und Rekonversion bei Al Qaida und dem Islamischen Staat" by Martin Zillinger

A cooperation between B01 and the research group „Transformations of Life“ at a.r.t.e.s. Research Lab, University of Cologne. (16.07.2015).