New papers by Margreth Lünenborg dealing with the orbit of social media, affects and their dynamics
News from Feb 04, 2021
The article Soziale Medien, Emotionen und Affekte provides an overview of the relationship between social media, emotions and affects. Building on emotion research and affect studies, Margreth Lünenborg takes a look at the mutually constituting conditions of emotions and social media. She further delineates how social networking platforms potentially provoke certain affects aim to affect users and how interactions in social media can be understood as affective media practices that are expressed, for example, in memes or hashtag protests.
The article is part of the book Handbuch Soziale Medien and available in German for download here.
In Wut - Empörung - Solidarität: soziale Medien und ihre Affektdynamiken, Margreth Lünenborg takes a deeper look at affective dynamics. This article discusses how social media generate emotions and affective intensities and how the functioning and distribution logic of social media are significantly structured by socially shaped emotion rules and affective dynamics. Emotions are understood as an essential component of social order. By proposing to understand social media platforms as “affect generators”, this article thus invites to study their role in the formation of contemporary affect structures.
The article was published in TV Diskurs and is available in German here.