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New publication in sub-project D10 - P/Reenacting Emotions: "Auf- und Umräumen im eigenen Haus: Beiträge zur Dezentrierung der Theater/Wissenschaft"

Edited by Karina Röcktäschel, Theresa Schütz & Doris Kolesch, "Auf- und Umräumen im eigenen Haus: Beiträge zur Dezentrierung der Theater/Wissenschaft", a themed issue of Forum Modernes Theater, brings together guests and positions from the symposium "Undoing Mastery" held in 2022.

News from Feb 05, 2024

With contributions from theater and dance scholars such as Layla Zami, Leon Gabriel & Julia Schade or Pedzisai Maedza, this issue is a collection of approaches and practices for disrupting and decentering dominant hegemonic perspectives in theater/scholarship. Academic positions from decolonial and postcolonial and/or queerfeminist theory meet positions by artists from the field of independent performing arts (including Angela Alves, Joana Tischkau and Anuja Ghosalkar), which are conceived as decidedly dialogic or as collaborative polyphony. In this way, current discourses of crip theory, critical whiteness and queer theory are interwoven in academic and artistic practice.

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