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Cynthia Fleury in Berlin on March 5th & 6th

Cynthia Fleury. Foto: © Francesca Mantovani | Gallimard

Cynthia Fleury. Foto: © Francesca Mantovani | Gallimard

The Institut français Deutschland and the CRC are inviting the philosopher and psychoanalyst to Berlin to get into conversation in two different formats.

News from Feb 12, 2024

"Out of bitterness, into society! Cynthia Fleury and Carolin Emcke in dialogue"

On the occasion of the publication of the German translation of Ci-gît l'amer. Guérir du ressentiment (Here lies bitterness buried. Über Ressentiment und Ihre Heilung, translation by Andrea Hemminger, Suhrkamp, 2023), the philosopher and psychoanalyst Cynthia Fleury meets the journalist and essayist Carolin Emcke (Was wahr ist: über Gewalt und Klima, Wallstein, 2024). Together, they will talk about the threats to democracy posed by growing resentment in our societies and reflect on the ethics of dealing with the "other" and the connection between individual emotions and social movements. How can we talk about the world, its violence and its turmoil in order to understand it on the one hand and to offer healing perspectives on the other?

On this occasion, Cynthia Fleury will also present the Chair of Philosophy at Saint-Anne Hospital in Paris, which she founded in 2016, and talk about why she considers "care work" to be one of the fundamental challenges of democracy today.

 The talk will be held in German and French (with simultaneous translation

When? 5th of March 2024 - 7pm

Where? Institut français Berlin - Maison de France - Kurfürstendamm 211 - 10719 Berlin

Further information and registration: https://www.institutfrancais.de/de/berlin/event/raus-aus-der-verbitterung-24694#/


Scientific workshop with Cynthia Fleury at the Collaborative Research Centre Affective Societies

We will deepen the conversation from the previous evening by discussing selected chapters of the book from an interdisciplinary perspective. Please register as the number of participants is limited and a reader will be circulated in advance

Contact: gesa.jessen@fu-berlin.de

When? 06.03.2024. 16:00-18:00

Where? Room KL32 202 - Habelschwerdter Allee 45 - 14195 Berlin

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