Affect & Discourse
The working group engaged with the relation between Affect and Discourse. Aiming to move further the approach of “Reading for Affect”, which has been introduced in the SFB Publications, and to establish a productive dialogue between Discourse and Affect studies, we discussed relevant theoretical approaches on the one hand and dealt with their methodological consequences on the other hand. To this end we examined the impact of the “affective turn” on discourse-theoretical considerations and the challenges which the relational- and processontological perspective on the affective does implicate for a (text-based) discourse analysis, as well as the possibilities that can be inferred from it (Ahmed 2004). Furthermore, we discussed particular works about discourse and affect that besides presenting theoretical reflections also put forward methodic suggestions (Ahmed 2004; Poynton and Lee 2011; Wetherell 2013). Consequently, we reflected together upon challenges in our own work when analyzing affective dynamics within media and political discourses.
Ricarda Ameling (C01)
Bahar Firat (C01)
Ana Makhashvili (B02)
Débora Medeiros (B02)
Dong Wei, Juliane Gorke C05), Regina Brückner (C06), Karina Rocktäschel (B03)