Lecture by Alia Al-Saji - Hesitation and the affective weight of the past: On travel bans and colonial durations
Alia Al-Saji belongs to a younger generation of critical philosophers who creatively expand on the phenomenological tradition, addressing themes of gender, race, colonialism, structural oppression and white supremacy. Al-Saji is known for her work on temporality, embodiment and institutions, and she here presents fort he first time excerpts from her forthcoming book on Hesitation, entitled Hesitation: A Critical Phenomenology of Time, Affect, and Racialization. She is a short term visiting fellow of the CRC invited by subproject B05. For more on Alia Al-Saji, check out her website at https://www.mcgill.ca/philosophy/people/faculty/al-saji
Zeit & Ort
17.05.2018 | 18:00 c.t.
Freie Universität Berlin
Lecture Room, basement of the Institute of Philosophy,
Habelschwerdter Allee 30