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Germans with Parents from Vietnam. The Affective Dimensions of Parent–Child Relations in Vietnamese Berlin

Affect in Relation (Cover)

Affect in Relation (Cover)

Röttger-Rössler, Birgitt; Lam, Anh Thu Anne – 2018

This chapter addresses the challenges Vietnamese parents and their children have to meet in the context of their immigration to Germany. Based on an empirical study of parent-child relations within the families of former Vietnamese contract laborers, who worked in the previous GDR and are now living in Berlin, we describe the intergenerational conflicts arising in these families. We depict in what ways these dissonances are, on the one hand, entangled with the socio-political structures of this particular migration regime, and on the other hand, with Vietnamese parenting values and practices. The overall aim of this chapter is to reflect the affective dynamics evolving between children and parents within the transnational social field of Vietnamese Berlin to gain a better understanding of the reconfigurations of family relations, attachment formations, and emotion repertoires in the context of migration.

Germans with Parents from Vietnam
Röttger-Rössler, Birgitt; Lam, Anh Thu Anne
DOI: 10.4324/9781315163864-4
Erschienen in
Röttger-Rössler, Slaby (Ed.) 2018 – Affect in Relation
Größe oder Länge
pp. 72–89