EYE-SNIPERS. Ikonoklastische Bilderpraktiken in Zeiten politischen Wandels
Organized by Project B01
What aesthetic structures, representational codes, and conventions are at play in transitory Egypt? Which are broken? How is democracy envisioned? How did the revolution of January 25 change the relationship between citizens, public space, and visual expression? What politics are at play when history manifests as image?
The publication Cairo: Images of Transition offers a broad range of artistic and academic perspectives on the relationship between aesthetics and politics in the wake of the Egyptian revolution of January 25, 2011. With an emphasis on the political processes of 2011-2012, we trace the shifting status of the image as a communicative tool, a witness to history, and an active agent for change.
About the author: Mikala Hyldig Dal is educated at the University of Arts Berlin/Institute of time-based media and works as an artist and curator in the field of image politics and (medial) representational strategies. Her artworks have been internationally exhibited.
Zeit & Ort
31.05.2016 | 18:00 c.t.
Kunsthistorisches Institut
Koserstraße 20, 14195 Berlin
Raum A 121
Weitere Informationen
Kontakt: Kerstin Schankweiler, Email: kerstin.schankweiler@fu-berlin.de