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Speaker & Guests

Sara Ahmed

Sara Ahmed is an independent feminist scholar and writer. Her work is concerned with how power is experienced and challenged in everyday life and institutional cultures. She has recently completed a book Complaint! which is forthcoming with Duke University Press in September 2019. Her previous publications include: What’s the Use? On the Uses of Use (2019), Living a Feminist Life (2017), Willful Subjects (2014), On Being Included (2012), The Promise of Happiness (2010), Queer Phenomenology (2006), The Cultural Politics of Emotion (2014, 2004), Strange Encounters (2000) and Differences that Matter (1998).

Yvonne Albrecht

Yvonne Albrecht works as a postdoctoral researcher at Berlin Institute for Integration and Migration Research (BIM) at Humboldt-University of Berlin and also at DeZIM (German Centre for Integration and Migration Research). Since 2019, she is an associated research fellow at the SFB "Affective Societies" at Freie University of Berlin. In addition to that, she is the coordinator of Researchnetwork 11 "Sociology of Emotions" of the European Sociological Association (ESA). Her research interests include Sociology of Emotions and Affects, Critical Migration Studies, Sociology of Organisations, Sociology of Space, Qualitative Research.

Carole Ammann

Carole Ammann is a postdoctoral mobility fellowship at the Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research at the University of Amsterdam. Currently, she conducts research on globalized fatherhood in Guinea and the Netherlands. Previously, she has been a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Geography at the University of Bern where she was involved in a study on social differences in the Swiss healthcare sector.

Bilgin Ayata

Bilgin Ayata is Professor for Southeastern European Studies at the University of Graz. Her research centers on socio-political transformation processes with a focus on migration, racism, affect and emotions, intersectional and postcolonial studies. At present she carries out three funded research projects concerning affective citizenship, the EU border regime, and authoritarian transition in the wider European context. She has published widely on migration, displacement, diasporas, citizenship, memory, mobilization. Ayata is DFG-Mercator Fellow at the SFB 1171 "Affective Societies", FU Berlin.

Samie Blasingame

Samie Blasingame (she/her) is a researcher, facilitator and activist focused on sustainable food systems and environmental justice. She is active in the Berlin-based, BIPoC environmental and climate justice collective Black Earth, Greenbuzz and a member of the Black Brown Berlin network. She holds an MA in Environmental Policy and Planning from Freie Universität Berlin and a BA in International Studies from California University, Long Beach.

Michael Boiger

Michael Boiger is an assistant professor of cultural psychology at the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands). Michael obtained his PhD from the University of Leuven (Belgium) in 2013. He conducted his doctoral research on the cultural construction of anger and shame in the United States, Japan, Belgium, and Turkey. In his current research, he takes a cultural psychological approach to study emotional dynamics in close relationships. In particular, he is interested in how intercultural couples navigate potential cultural differences in emotion. Besides his academic activities, Michael works as an emotion-focused and systemic therapist in private practice.

Alexandra Borchardt

Prof. Dr. Alexandra Borchardt is a senior journalist and book author, journalism professor, and media consultant. Her major concern is the impact of digital transformation on quality journalism with a focus on leadership and talent. She works in different roles: for the University of the Arts in Berlin, the World Association of News Publishers (Wan-Ifra), Hamburg Media School, and TU Munich. She is also a Senior Research Associate at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford University. Previously she spent 25 years at major German media brands, 15 of these in leadership roles. Her latest book is “Mehr Wahrheit wagen – Warum die Demokratie einen starken Journalismus braucht“.

Birgit Bosold

Birgit Bosold has been a member of the board of the Schwules Museum since 2006. She is responsible for funding and finances, was instrumental in the strategic reorientation of the museum, and directed major projects such as the exhibition Homosexualität_ies in 2015/2016. Most recently, she realized a traveling exhibition on German queer history together with Carina Klugbauer, that is touring internationally.
Professionally, she is also active in private banking. After her studies and doctorate in literary studies, she worked at various renowned banks and is currently a freelance consultant in portfolio management.

Marian Burchardt

Marian Burchardt is Professor of Sociology at Leipzig University. As a cultural sociologist, he is interested in how diversity shapes institutions and everyday life. His research engages with the sociology of knowledge, the sociology of religion, urban sociology, and theories of modernity, and draws on qualitative and ethnographic methods. He is especially interested in how notions of diversity influence social life and public space through nation-state regulations, law, and urban policy. He is the author of Regulating Difference: Religious Diversity and Nationhood in the Secular West (Rutgers UP, 2020) and Faith in the Time of AIDS: Religion, Biopolitics and Modernity in South Africa (Palgrave Macmillan 2015).

Gülay Çağlar

Gülay Çağlar is Professor for Political Science and director of the Gender & Diversity Division at the Otto-Suhr-Institut of the Freie Universität Berlin since 2016.

Jennifer Chan de Avila

Jennifer Chan de Avila is a postdoctoral researcher at the Division of Gender and Diversity of the Otto-Suhr-Institut of the Freie Universität Berlin. She received her PhD in Political Science at the same University in 2016. Her current research focuses on diversity strategies in higher education institutions. She has published individual papers and coordinated publications about Diversity Politics, Intersectionality, Inclusion Politics, Body Politics, Gender Violence and Gender in Confinement Institutions

Birte de Gruisbourne

Birte de Gruisbourne is research assistant at Department for Media Studies at Paderborn University. She studied Philosophy in Berlin (FU & HU). At the moment she works on her dissertation on the relation of asymmetry and autonomization in caring relationships, developing an account of inclination as an affective virtue. Other research interests are disability studies, social philosophy and philosophy of science.

Aletta Diefenbach

Aletta Diefenbach (M.A.) is a sociologist and works as a research fellow at the Collaborative Research Centre »Affective Societies« (DFG-SFB 1171) at Freie Universität Berlin. She works on religion as a public force in the United States and in Germany.

Hansjörg Dilger

Hansjörg Dilger is Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin. His research interests include the anthropology of religion, medical anthropology, and the anthropology of globalization and transnational processes. Within the CRC 1171 “Affective Societies”, he is head of the sub-project “Governing Religious Diversity in Berlin. Affective Dynamics of In- and Exclusion in Urban Space.” Dilger is author of the forthcoming monograph Learning Morality, Inequalities, and Faith: Christian and Muslim Schools in Tanzania (Cambridge University Press), and co-editor of the volumes Affective Trajectories: Religion and Emotion in African Cityscapes (Duke University Press, 2020) and Umkämpfte Vielfalt: Affektive Dynamikenn institutioneller Diversifizierung (Campus, 2021).

Sanni Est

Sanni Est is a singer, curator and community organizer based in Berlin and with roots in North-Eastern Brazil. Inspired by socio-political structures, etymological research and autobiographical narratives, Sanni weaves multilayered artworks that challenge the notion of humanity of the viewer while decolonizing herself from Eurocentric gender-binary patterns with her voice and body.

Angela Failler

Angela Failler Angela Failler is Canada Research Chair in Culture and Public Memory, and Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Winnipeg. Her research focuses on how practices of culture and public memory are used to grapple with the difficult knowledge of historical traumas and injustices, including their ongoing/after effects. She co-leads the Museum Queeries research group and is Director of the Centre for Research in Cultural Studies (CRiCS). With Drs. Chandrima Chakraborty and Amber Dean she is editor of Remembering Air India: The Art of Public Mourning (University of Alberta Press, 2017).

Anne Fleig

Anne Fleig ist Professorin für Deutsche Philologie an der Freien Universität Berlin, Vorstandsmitglied im SFB 1171 „Affective Societies“ und Mitherausgeberin des Kleist-Jahrbuchs. Ihre Arbeitsschwerpunkte bilden die Literatur um 1800, Kulturelle Moderne und Gegenwartsliteratur, Geschlechterforschung, Weibliche Autorschaft, Drama und Theater, Affekte und Gefühle, Mehrsprachigkeit, Transkulturalität und Zugehörigkeit. Aktuelles Forschungsprojekt zu Berliner Topographien und zur Literaturgeschichte der Einwanderungsgesellschaft. Jüngste Buchpublikationen: Affektivität und Mehrsprachigkeit. Dynamiken der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur, Tübingen: Francke 2019 (zus. mit Marion Acker, Matthias Lüthjohann), Public Spheres of Resonance. Constellations of Affect and Language. New York 2020 (zus. mit Christian von Scheve).

Kenny Fries

Kenny Fries is the author of In the Province of the Gods (Creative Capital Literature Award); The History of My Shoes and the Evolution of Darwin’s Theory (Outstanding Book Award, Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Bigotry and Human Rights); and Body, Remember: A Memoir. He edited Staring Back: The Disability Experience from the Inside Out. He received a Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center Arts and Literary Arts Fellowship and grants from the DAAD and Canada Council for the Arts. He teaches in the MFA in Creative Writing Program at Goddard College.

Juliane Gorke

Juliane Gorke works as a research associate at the CRC “Affective Societies” at Freie Universität Berlin. Her research interests include processes of (de-)canonization and feminist aesthetics of contemporary theatre. She is a member of the performance collective hannsjana, whose works have been shown at the Sophiensaele Berlin, Nationaltheater Mannheim and Luzerner Theater.

Mar Griera

Mar Grierais an Associate Professor in the Sociology Department at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), and the director of the Research Centre for the Study of Religion (ISOR). She also holds an ICREA research fellowship. Her main research expertise lies at the intersection of religion, spirituality, identity and heritage regimes in contemporary Europe. Mar’s academic background is in sociology but she has intensively engaged with other disciplinary fields during her career, especially religious studies, political science and anthropology.

Paola Ivanov

Paola Ivanov is an anthropologist and a curator of the collections from East, North East, Central, and South Africa at the Ethnologisches Museum of Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Her research, publications and exhibitions centre on art, aesthetics, visual/material culture, museum theory and provenance research, as well as on African history and global interconnectedness. One major focus of her studies is the relationship between translocality, aesthetics, and space on the Swahili coast of East Africa. Recently she has published the book “Die Verkörperung der Welt. Ästhetik, Raum und Gesellschaft im islamischen Sansibar” and, together with Kristin Weber-Sinn, the article „‘Collaborative’ provenance research: About the (im)possibility of smashing colonial frameworks“

Serhat Karakayali

Serhat Karakayali is head of the department for Migration Research at DeZIM-Institute (Berlin, Germany). He is also a member of the Berlin Institute for Empirical Research on Integration and Migration (BIM), Humboldt University. His research interests range from the study of volunteers and refugee support groups in Germany and Europe to the role of migrant activism in the context of German trade unions and on political attitudes of migrants in transnational spaces. Recent publications: „Helfen, Begründen, Empfinden. Zur emotionstheoretischen Dimension von Solidarität“ in: Helfen zwischen Solidarität und Wohltätigkeit. Schwerpunktausgabe von WestEnd. Neue Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung, 1.2019; „The social space of Autonomy. Constructing Scopes of Solidarity“, Special Issue South Atlantic Quarterly, 2017.

Omar Kasmani

Omar Kasmani is a post-doctoral research associate in social and cultural anthropology at the CRC 1171 Affective Societies at Freie Universität, Berlin. His work pursues critical notions of public intimacy, religious affect and post-migrant be/longing – a research practice that is situated across the study of Islamic life-worlds and queer and affect theory. He teaches on religion and urban geographies with a focus on queer epistemologies, Sufi devotional cultures and contemporary South Asia. His first monograph Queer Companions: Religion, Public Intimacy and Saintly Affects in Pakistan is forthcoming with Duke University Press.

Annemarie Kern

Annemarie Kern is a student of social science at Humboldt University Berlin. She is writing her Master's thesis on content creation on YouTube from a subject-oriented perspective. Her research interest is in changes in the work environment, gender, migration, and its impacts on social movements and labour unions.

Neetu Khanna

Neetu Khanna is an associate professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Southern California (USC). Neetu is a comparative literary scholar of South Asia and specializes in theories and literatures of decolonization, global marxisms, postcolonial literature and theory, materialist aesthetics, and queer and feminist theory. Her research in the global literatures of decolonization focuses on one of the central questions animating their political movements and transnational solidarities: how might literature and art disrupt and recondition the emotive sensibilities that sustain empire and their legacies?

Nour Khelifi

Nour Khelifi (27) is Viennese and works as a journalist, scriptwriter, speaker, and online content creator in Berlin and Vienna. During her studies, she took the path of journalism and wrote and worked for ORF, Wiener Zeitung, Yahoo Germany, Qamar Magazin, and above all, FUNK, the online service for young people from the German public broadcaster ARD/ZDF. From 2017 to 2020, she was the head author of the digital satire format "Datteltäter" (FUNK, Youtube), where topics such as identity, origin, social politics, culture, and religion were satirized.

Henrike Kohpeiß

Henrike Kohpeiß is a PhD candidate in philosophy and a research assistant at the collaborative research centre “Affective Societies” at Free University, Berlin. Her dissertation unfolds an affective analysis of the bourgeois subject and engages in an encounter between Frankfurt School critical theory and Black studies. She has been teaching on i.a. Sylvia Wynter, philosophy and the Shoah and bourgeois society and its critique. Occasionally, she engages in artistic collaborations in dance and performance, mostly as a dramaturg or writer, sometimes as a performer.

Doris Kolesch

Doris Kolesch is Professor of Theatre and Performance Studies at Freie Universität Berlin and a Co-Director of the Collaborative Research Center "Affective Societies" where she heads a research project on "Reenacting Emotions".

Iva Krtalić

Iva Krtalić is a journalist and Head of Intercultural Diversity at Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR), a public service broadcaster in Cologne. Iva has worked for Croatian and German media. As WDR radio editor, she focused on topics of migration, European policies, and culture. Her job as Head of diversity involves issues concerning media policies, content, and personnel. She regularly takes part in conferences and panels in Germany and Europe and is a member of several working groups in political and media institutions concerning cultural diversity. She studied in Zagreb and Berlin and earned her Ph.D. in interdisciplinary humanities with a thesis on media discourses and cultural politics of difference.

Caroline Light

Caroline Light teaches in Harvard’s Program in Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality. She teaches courses on immigration, labor, and intersectional violence. Light’s recent book, Stand Your Ground: A History of America’s Love Affair with Lethal Self-Defense (Beacon Press, 2017) provides a critical genealogy of U.S. ideals of armed citizenship. Beginning with the centuries-old adage “a man’s home is his castle,” she tracks the history of lethal self-defense, from the duty to retreat to the “shoot first, ask questions later” ethos that prevails in many jurisdictions today.

Margreth Lünenborg

Margreth Lünenborg is Professor of Journalism at Freie Universität Berlin and head of the research project "Journalism and its Order of Emotions" within the CRC Affective Societies. Her research focuses on gender media studies, current changes in journalism as part of hybrid media environments, media and migration, and the role of emotion and affect in public communication. Before joining academia, she practiced as a radio journalist in Berlin and worked as a political spokesperson in a state ministry.

Dominik Mattes

Dominik Mattes is a postdoctoral Research Associate in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Collaborative Research Center Affective Societies, Freie Universität Berlin. His research interests include religious diversity, religion in migratory contexts, and medical anthropology. He recently published “Politicizing elsewhere(s). Negotiating representations of neo-Pentecostal aesthetic practice in Berlin” (2020, in Religion and Society 11(1): 163-175), “Traversing fields: Affective continuities across Muslim and Christian settings in Berlin” (2020, with Omar Kasmani, in Social Analysis 64(1): 111-117), and “‘All eyes closed’. Dis/sensing in comparative fieldwork on affective-religious experiences” (with Omar Kasmani and Hansjörg Dilger, in Analyzing Affective Societies: Methods and Methodologies, Routledge 2019).

Débora Medeiros

Débora Medeiros Dr. Débora Medeiros is a postdoc researcher at the project “Journalism and the Order of Emotions” at the Collaborative Research Center Affective Societies at Freie Universität Berlin. She wrote her doctoral thesis, titled “Engaged Journalism: Contesting Objectivity through Media Practices during the Alternative Coverage of Brazil’s June Journeys”, at the Institute of Communication and Media Studies at FU Berlin. She is also a member of the Institute for Social Movement Studies (ipb) and of the Network Affect and Colonialism.

Heather Milne

Heather Milne is an Associate Professor in the Department of English at the University of Winnipeg in Canada. She is co-leader of the Museum Queeries Research Group with co-panelist Angela Failler and Michelle McGeough. In addition to her research on museums, she studies experimental writing, gender, and affect. She is the author of Poetry Matters: Neoliberalism, Affect and the Posthuman in Twenty-First Century North American Feminist Poetics (2018) and numerous articles on poetry, affect, and gender.

Sheila Mysorekar

Sheila Mysorekar is the former chairperson of the independent media organization 'Neue deutsche Medienmacher' (New German Media Professionals), an organization of ethnic minority journalists that campaigns for more diversity in German media. Currently, she is the chairperson of the ‘Neue Deutsche Organisationen’ (New German Organisations), a network of 140 post-migrant organizations. Sheila Mysorekar is an Indo-German journalist and lives in Cologne, Germany. Presently, she works for Deutsche Welle Akademie, Germany’s biggest media development organization, as a trainer for conflict-sensitive journalism and consultant for media in post-conflict states, mostly in Libya and South Sudan.

Boris Nieswand

Boris Nieswand studied sociology in Bielefeld and received his doctorate in ethnology in Halle/Saale. He worked, among others, at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology (Halle/Saale) and at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity (Göttingen). Since 2012 he is a staff member at the Department for Sociology of the University of Tübingen, first as a junior professor and since 2017 as professor. Boris Nieswand’s research focuses on migration, diversity, morality, and cities. His methodological perspective can be characterized as reflexive and ethnographic.

Heike Pantelmann

Heike Pantelmann is Managing Director of the Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender Studies at Freie Universität Berlin. She holds a doctorate in business administration. Her fields of work are the internationalization of gender studies and gender and diversity in teaching. Her research interests lie in the following topics: sexual harassment in higher education contexts; gender order/gender relations, power and control in organizations.

Sabina García Peter

Sabina García Peter has been working at the Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender Studies of Freie Universität Berlin since 2016. She earned her doctorate in sociology at the Latin America Institute of Freie Universität Berlin in 2016 with a thesis on the reception of the debate on multiculturalism in Latin America and the role of scholars as "agents of circulation". Her research interest focuses on the digitization of knowledge production and circulation from an intersectional approach.

Annelot Prins

Annelot Prins is pursuing her Ph.D. in American Cultural studies at the Graduate School of North American Studies at the FU Berlin. Her research is grounded in feminist theory and combines celebrity studies with audience research to theorize the rise and reception of celebrity feminism in contemporary US-American pop music.

Rhea Ramjohn

Rhea Ramjohn is a Trinbagonian writer, producer, and presenter representing ancestral codes via vernacular poetics. As co-founder of Black Brown Berlin, her work centers BIPOC empowerment, equitable and inclusive initiatives, and the amplification of marginalized expressions most evident in her short film Live chile! commissioned by Germany’s Haus der Kulturen der Welt. She is the creator and executive producer of Tanti Table and host of the science podcast Hormonal. With a foundation in African Diaspora and Cultural Studies, community service and education sectors, Rhea has more than two decades of pedagogy, literary, and performance experience across the Americas and Europe.

Vanessa Rau

Vanessa Rau is a post-doctoral research fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen. Before joining the Institute, Vanessa completed a Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Cambridge where she conducted an Ethnography on Israeli Migration and a new Israeli-Jewish Scene in Berlin. Until recently, she was part of the Research on Civil Society Organizations and the Challenges of Migration and Diversity, focusing on the Intersection of Migration and Disability. Her new project involves Migration, Diversity, and Intimacy where she conducts biographical research on Love relationships between German nationals and refugees.

Birgitt Röttger-Rössler

Birgitt Röttger-Rössler is full professor of social and cultural anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin and director of the Collaborative Research Center “Affective Societies. Dynamics of Sociality in a World in Motion” at Freie Universität Berlin. Besides this she acts as head of the research unit “Anthropology of Emotion” at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology. Her latest research is directed on childhood, socialization, parenting and schooling; her regional focus is on Southeast Asian societies. She conducted several years of fieldwork, mainly in Indonesia. Her current research projects deal with the socialization of emotions in cross-cultural comparison and with the formation of feeling in the transnational social field of Vietnamese Berlin.

Hans Roth

Hans Roth is a doctoral researcher in theatre studies at the Collaborative Research Centre “Affective Societies” at Freie Universität Berlin. Among his research interests are theatre and the political, the aesthetics of humor and ridicule, and the institutional transformation of German theatre since the 1960s.

Monika Salzbrunn

Monika Salzbrunn is Full Professor of Religions, Migration, Diasporas at University of Lausanne, invited research professor at Università degli Studi di Genova and associated researcher at CéSOR/EHESS Paris. She is the first female scientist in Switzerland to receive the prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant in SHS, for her project ARTIVISM. Art and Activism. Creativity and Performance as Subversive Forms of Political Expression in Super-Diverse Cities. Monika Salzbrunn was Emmy Noether grantee of the DFG, principal investigator of several SNFS projects and has published numerous articles, books and films in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Japanese, namely « Dance, music and (trans)nationalisms ».

Sasha Salzmann

Sasha Marianna Salzmann The novelist, playwright, essayist, and curator Sasha Salzmann was co-founder of the culture and society magazine "freitext" and director of STUDIO Я at the Maxim Gorki Theatre in Berlin. Salzmann's theatre works have been translated into more than 20 languages and have been awarded, among others, the Art Prize for Performing Arts of the Akademie der Künste 2020. In 2017, the debut novel "Außer sich" (Suhrkamp) was published, translated into 16 languages, and shortlisted for the German Book Prize. Sasha Salzmann moderates the monthly discussion series "Apropos Gegenwart" at Vienna's Burgtheater, alternating with the Viennese philosopher and publicist Isolde Charim.

Monique Scheer

Monique Scheer is a full professor of historical and cultural anthropology at the University of Tübingen, where she currently also serves as Vice-Rector for International Affairs and Diversity. Among her research interests are religion, secularity, and cultural diversity in modern Germany, the history of emotions, and cultural theory. Recent publications include Enthusiasm: Emotional Practices of Conviction in Modern Germany (Oxford UP 2020), Secular Bodies, Affects, and Emotions: European Perspectives (edited with N. Fadil and B. S. Johansen, Bloomsbury 2019), and The Public Work of Christmas: Difference and Belonging in Multicultural Societies (edited with P. Klassen, McGill-Queen’s UP 2019).

Jan Slaby

Jan Slaby is Professor of Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Emotion at Freie Universität Berlin. His expertise includes social and action-oriented approaches to the mind, philosophical emotion theory, affect studies and critical perspectives on the human sciences and on their societal impact. With Suparna Choudhury, he was Co-Editor of Critical Neuroscience: A Handbook of the Social and Cultural Contexts of Neuroscience (Wiley 2012). With Christian von Scheve, he co-edited Affective Societies: Key Concepts (Routledge 2019). Among his journal articles are texts “More Than a Feeling: Affect as Radical Situatedness (Midwest Studies in Philosophy 2017) and “Affective Arrangements” (Emotion Review 2019, with Rainer Mühlhoff and Philipp Wüschner).

Thomas Stodulka

Thomas Stodulka is Junior Professor for Psychological Anthropology at FU Berlin. His work focuses on affect, emotion, childhood, mental health, datafication, and methods. He conducted long-term fieldwork with street-related communities (2001–2015) and he has co-directed international network projects on affect and emotion in fieldwork, comparative perspectives on envy, big data and epistemology, and public anthropology. He currently focuses on connectivities of permaculture school gardens in Timor-Leste and mental health in Eastern Indonesia. He is the co-founder of ENPA, co-director of the Winter School Culture, Psychology, and Qualitative Research, co-editor of BrillSocial Sciences in Asia, and associate editor at Ethos(AAA).

Susan Thieme

Susan Thieme is professor for geography and critical sustainability studies at the University of Bern, with a particular interest in in/justice and in/equalities in societies and the role different forms of (im)mobilities play in the context of education and work. She co-leads the mLab at the Institute of Geography, a collaborative space that encourages new modes of collective work and to critically use arts, media, and digital research methods.

Larissa Vetters

Larissa Vetters is a senior research fellow at the Department of Law and Anthropology at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. Trained in sociocultural anthropology and administrative sciences, she has conducted research on external state-building and administrative reforms in post-conflict Bosnia-Herzegovina and more recently on migration and administrative law in Germany. Together with Olaf Zenker, she currently heads the sub-project “Sentiments of Bureaucracies: Affective Dynamics in the Digital Transformation of German Immigration Management” in the CRC “Affective Societies”. In her research and writing, she combines ethnographic explorations of transformation processes in state and society with a theoretical interest in the effects and uses of public law.

Anita von Poser

Anita v. Poser is Professor of Psychological Anthropology with a focus on ‘Migration, Psyche, and Aging’ at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin. She is also PI of the anthropological-psychiatric project “Affects and Processes of Institutionalization in Vietnamese Carescapes of Berlin” within the CRC 1171 Affective Societies. The core themes of her research engage psychological and phenomenological anthropology, the anthropology of aging, care, and the life-course, the anthropology of im/mobility, as well as the anthropology of foodways. She has conducted long-term ethnographic research both in Oceania (Papua New Guinea) and in Vietnamese life-worlds of Berlin.

Jeremy Wade

Jeremy Wade is a performance maker with an extensive practice of curating and teaching. He graduated from the School for New Dance Development, Amsterdam, in 2000 and received a Bessie Award for his performance Glory, at Dance Theater Workshop, New York City, in 2006. Since then he works in close collaboration with HAU Hebbel am Ufer in Berlin as well as Gessnerallee, Zurich. In his recent work, Wade explores death, zombie subjectivity, strange modes of being and feminist strategies of world making to undermine the social codes that define and oppress bodies. He is the initiator of The Future Clinic for Critical Care, an intersectional platform exploring the messy politics of care through performance, social practice and sociocultural animation.

Tanja Wälty

Tanja Wälty is a research associate in the research project "Sexualized Harassment, Discrimination, and Violence in the Context of Higher Education" at the Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender Studies at Freie Universität Berlin. She wrote her doctoral dissertation as part of the International Research Training Group "Between Spaces" of the Institute for Latin American Studies at Freie Universität on the topic of bodies and body politics in the female punk movement of Mexico City. Her main research topics are sexualized violence, body and body politics, feminisms, social movements, and punk.

Matthias Warstat

Matthias Warstat is Professor of Theatre Studies at Freie Universität Berlin and Co-Director of the International Research Center “Interweaving Performance Cultures”. Within the CRC 1171 “Affective Societies”, he is head of the sub-project “theatre as an affecting and affected institution”. Main research areas: modern European theatre history, theatricality of society and of politics, aesthetics of contemporary theatre. Publications (i.a.): Soziale Theatralität. Die Inszenierung der Gesellschaft, Paderborn 2018; Theater als Intervention. Politiken ästhetischer Praxis (with Joy Kristin Kalu et al., Berlin 2015). Forthcoming: Umkämpfte Vielfalt: Affektive Dynamikenn institutioneller Diversifizierung (co-edited with Hansjörg Dilger, Frankfurt/M. 2021).

Andrea Wright

Andrea Wright is currently a Lecturer in the Anthropology Department and a Resident Dean/Assistant Dean at Harvard University. Prior to joining Harvard, Wright completed a Ph.D. in Anthropology at Brown University and an M.A. in Development Studies at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences. Wright's research and teaching interests include feminist anthropology and pedagogy, care, gender, intimate labor, and engaged scholarship.

Olaf Zenker

Olaf Zenker is professor and chair of sociocultural anthropology in the Department of Anthropology and Philosophy at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. With a focus on Southern Africa, Northern Ireland, and Germany, his research interests include political and legal issues such as statehood, bureaucracy, the rule of law, normative pluralities, inequality, sentiments of justice as well as conflict and identity formations that also permeate the affective dynamics in the digital transformation of German immigration management. His book publications include the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Law and Anthropology (co-edited with Marie-Claire Foblets, Mark Goodale, and Maria Sapignioli).